- Determine your purpose for fundraising.
- Childcare
- Benevolent fund
- Ministry supplies
- Décor
- Meet with church leadership.
- Share the purpose for fundraising.
- Coordinate fundraising with church events.
- Determine what type of fundraisers you will hold throughout the year.
- Garage sale
- Sell goods at a craft show
- Bake sale
- Babysitting nights
- Cake walk
- Set dates for fundraiser.
- Event dates
- Team work dates
- Determine what type of tasks need to be accomplished for example:
- Decoration
- Business solicitation
- provide the churches 501(C)(3) to business so they can use donation as a tax write-off
- Set up/ tear down
- Donation drop-off/collection
- As the date of event approaches.
- Determine the number of volunteers needed for each shift.
- Create a volunteer schedule.
- Determine the number and length of shifts work.
- Be sure to include set-up and tear-down shifts.
- Create a volunteer schedule.
- Determine the number of volunteers needed for each shift.
- Manage money spent and collected.
- Keep record of all receipts for items purchased so people will be reimbursed for event expenses.
- Provide a starting bank on day of event.
- Develop a system to keep money secure.
- Keep record of what is sold.
- This information is helpful for future events.
- Give the person in charge of budget/ministry funds the receipts and money raised.