Seeking God's Will
- enter God’s presence daily without distraction
- read God’s Word daily
- listen for God’s still small voice
- pray with expectation and persistence for guidance and wisdom
- pray for God to reveal:
- His vision
- the steps to complete His vision
- who will walk alongside you in the process
Meeting with Church leadership
- make the appointment with church leadership
- share your testimony and vision for the ministry
- how God brought you here
- why does the Church need this ministry
- see Info for Pastor printable
- what will it take
- day and time
- child care
- meeting space
- bible study resources
- seek guidance and listen to advice
- pray with leadership for God’s direction and wisdom
- pray for unity between ministry and church
- meet with those God lays on your heart
- share your testimony and vision for the ministry
- what it takes to start the ministry
- answer questions
- pray for guidance and wisdom