Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Several weeks ago I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Half asleep in the darkness, I thought I was further from my destination than I was and as I turned BAM! I ran smack into the doorframe with my head. I stumbled back, shocked by the sudden stop. I reached up to check for blood, wondering how I was going to explain a black eye without complete mortification. Thankfully, I hadn’t hit my head as hard as I thought and I awoke the next morning with a slight red mark over my right eye. I know this is a funny story, but I think this illustrates a biblical truth. In John 8:12 Jesus said “I am the light of the world, if you follow me you won’t have to walk in darkness because you will have the light that leads to life.” We are faced everyday with the choice to follow Jesus or to walk in the flesh. Walking in the flesh makes us think we know what’s best; that what we want is most important; that our comfort and happiness is all that matters. Sin truly blinds us. It is like walking around in the dark knocking into things that hurt us or those around us. Jesus said, “Follow me…because you will have the light that leads to life.” Jesus is saying, “Do what I do, love how I love, walk how I walk.” Psalms 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. Similarly to John 8:12, this verse in Psalm informs us that God’s word gives us light so that we don’t have to walk in darkness. In John Jesus is saying get to know me, I will show you how to follow me, I Am the Light, you won’t have to walk in darkness, I will light your path. Several years ago the phrase, “What would Jesus do?” was popular. People would put it on bumper stickers or wear it around their wrists. It was a great idea, but the phrase is worthless unless you really know what Jesus did, what He says, and what is important to Him. We won’t know how to follow Jesus, how to walk in the light, unless we spend time getting to know Him. That means spending time with Him every day praying, and reading His Word. I was challenged over 16 years ago by one of my pastors to make a commitment of spending 15 minutes a day with the Lord reading His Word and praying. I took that challenge, and I began getting up 15 minutes earlier every day. Rather than being a legalistic practice, this was about investing in my relationship with Christ. I discovered that this 15-minute time frame began to expand and I found myself wanting more time alone with the Lord. This has transformed my walk, it deepened my love and devotion for the Lord. The more time I spent with Him the more I get to know who He is and how He wants me to follow Him. Weekly Memory Verse
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My precious husband, Bill, and I have been planted in Fort Myers, Florida for almost 35 years. As a newly married couple, God most graciously had placed people in both of our jobs to share Christ with us. Its hard to believe it has been almost 34 years since we asked Jesus into our hearts! Bill and I have been blessed with four children, 3 daughters, then a son. These blessings came quickly, all within 6 years!! During these years I'm so thankful I was able to be part of women's ministry classes at our church, helping me to grow in my walk with Him. Then came the day when I was asked that question that stretched me way outside of my comfort zone...will you teach a class? Its hard to believe that I have now been teaching more than 20 years. Bill and I love to travel, most of the time going to visit our 9 grandchildren, oh ya, and their parents! I also love reading, walking and hanging out with some very special young moms in Beloved that bless my socks off!
Julie is a Kansas girl who resides in sunny Southwest Florida. She's been married to her husband Sean for 23 years and they share two boys ages 21 & 17. She enjoys baking and biking, but her absolute favorite thing is snow skiing which is a little difficult to do in a sandy 80 degree land.
She became a follower of Christ at age 10. She loves studying and teaching God's Word. She has a passion for encouraging moms to love and follow Jesus. Beth grew up in a loving home; however, in her early 20s she faced a very lonely time. During that time, she cried out to God and asked “If You are real, please show yourself to me!” God met her where she was and she trusted in the Lord Jesus at that time. Her life verse and desire is “no matter what happens, to conduct herself in a manner worthy of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27
Beth now resides in Tampa, Florida with her husband Larry. The Lord has blessed them by blending their family of five children. They currently have eight grandchildren and are hoping that there will be more grandchildren in the future. Donna accepted Jesus as her Savior at the age of nine and has been amazed at God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout her life. She has been blessed to have had many mentors through each season of life, who have shown her what trusting God looks like. Donna and her husband, Bryan, make their home in central Arkansas. They have five grown children and are grandparents to wonderful grandchildren. Donna enjoys spending time with her family, laughing with friends (usually over coffee), going for long walks with her husband, and reading a good book (which may also be accompanied by a cup of coffee).
Sarah is a true Florida Cracker. She was born and raised in Southwest Florida. At the age of 6, Sarah accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and she hasn't looked back since. Hebrews 13:8 is one of her favorite verses, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Eating delicious desserts, spending time with her family and friends, and teaching people about Jesus are a few of the things she enjoys to do in her spare time.
Sarah has been married to her best friend and husband, Brandon, for 7 years. They have been blessed with one beautiful, determined son, Asher, who keeps them on their toes. Sarah and her family live in the Tampa area. They love exploring their community together, family hugs, and eating pizza whenever possible. Katie Flint just recently moved back home to Fort Myers, Florida with her husband, Ryan and two children, Collins and Madden. At the age of 5, Katie accepted Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Savior of her life, after attending Vacation Bible School. Through each phase of her life, God has shown her that He alone is trustworthy. The verse that has been her life source is Psalm 46:10- “Be still and know that I am God.”
She is a stay-at-home mom and enjoys exercising and baking. She has been married to her husband Ryan for almost 9 years, who is her high school sweetheart. They enjoy trying new restaurants, family trips to the beach, and relaxing at home. Marsha grew up in a small rural town in upstate New York. In 2006, after finishing college, she moved to sunny SW Florida where she met her, now husband, Shawn. Together they enjoy spending family time with their two fun-loving toddler boys Zachariah and Kairos.
Marsha enjoys living an active lifestyle, which is helpful, considering that her favorite hobby is baking. Though she attended church as a child, Marsha was not saved until adulthood when her eyes were finally opened to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Since being saved, God has placed a loving burden on her heart to share the truth about God’s healing grace with those who may feel like forgiveness is not possible for them. Archives
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